Ability to use FQDN to access workload clusters, rather than ip address

Doing my part to try and help gitops take over the world.

By targeting applications to install on a kubernetes cluster by fqdn, rather than ip address, it becomes possible to delete a cluster and stand up a new cluster, and watch as all the applications reinstall automatically to the new cluster via gitops using something like argocd.

Feature request submitted (vcenter clusterapi provider):

If implemented, this would enable all consumers of vmware vcenter / tanzu to better implement gitops.

Tempting to drop everything and be the one to implement the code and submit a pull request, just to get the credit.  Would feel good to know you’ve helped so many people.

Creating webapps w/ flutter & deploying to kubernetes

In the past I’ve written guis in many languages, but found my passion more in backend server apis.  Along this line REST, swagger, OIDC, and websockets have been a dream come true.

Then one day I discovered flutter, created by google, it is cross platform compiling natively on both Android and iPhone.

Flutter changed everything for me, it made me love creating guis, it felt like the first real solution to creating a gui with everything else prior being trail blazer projects helping to figure out everything needed to one day lead to the creation of flutter.

Turns out it also can be used to create windows & linux apps as well, with some exceptions.  On a mobile device you get a free database with your application, so if you deploy on windows / linux you have to solve the database on your own.

Today I noticed that flutter can also be used to create a webapp.  I’m thinking to create a webapp, place it inside a container and deploy it to kubernetes along with a database into the same namespace, making for a similar situation to how mobile apps get a database.  So much potential, this is exciting.

k8s daytwo operation ideas


  • watch for cluster.yaml updates & reflect addons annotations from cluster.yaml to argocd cluster yaml secrets
  • watch argocd repo certs and check for expire, re-adding automatically
  • tanzu watch for service associated with cluster to appear & annotate with fqdn automatically (in order to add dns entry for each cluster kubeapi)
  • watch for certificate authority expiration and update ‘ca-bundle’ stored in vault

Idea: repo-manager


In a world of containers, developers need to have multiple linux repos mirrored on prem for use when building or modifying images.


Similar to how cert-manager works with providers to extend functionality, repo-manager can be extended to mirror additional linux distros.


repo-manager provides an operator-type controller which watches for the CRD type ‘mirror.aarr.xyz’ & manages for each repo mirror:

  • the deployment of a pod for mirroring
  • a pvc for each pod
  • the increasing of the pvc size as needed
  • ingress configuration to reach each repo using a subpath http(s)://mirror.<fqdn>/<path>
  • a status using kubectl via displaying relevant CRDs
  • mapping of a ca-bundle
  • repo-specific settings


  • an overall web interface
  • settings which apply to all repo mirrors

gge ingresses, a view into the world of kubernetes

(gge) This is so fun, taking advantage of kubernetes cronjobs …

The generic game engine will host tournaments.

I was planning on daily and weekly tournaments that everyone can participate in, but also allow folks to create their own.  Figured I might be able to take care of scheduling the tournaments using something in kubernetes and I was not disappointed!

The workflow goes like this:

  • create a tournament instance
  • create a cronjob with the tournament start time
  • when the cronjob starts, it creates a pod that runs curl and accesses an internal-only tournament api to start the tournament
  • tournaments will only run once by default but by setting a value will repeat on the cronjob schedule

Just have to make sure to delete the cronjob along with the tournament.  If someone were to delete the tournament using kubectl there is a chance of an orphaned cronjob (oh no) if the tournament controller isn’t running to catch it, otherwise the tournament controller will receive a DELETE event and go ahead and delete the cronjob.  Will have to run a cleanup process now and then to look for orphaned cronjobs, wonder if there might be a convenient way to do that???

Generic Boardgame Game Engine is coming along, its playable …

Putting this together was so much fun, and surprisingly quick to implement.
Still got a few more features to add, let’s just call this the teaser trailer …

$ k get all
NAME                                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/gge-controller-tournament-single-elimination-db6b6f474-fxg2c   1/1     Running   0          3d2h
pod/gge-game-77767987b5-z6kt8                                      1/1     Running   0          2d9h
pod/gge-tournament-6557567558-k4hfl                                1/1     Running   0          2d9h
pod/gge-gateway-c49fb8549-6wwc6                                    1/1     Running   0          2d9h
pod/gge-game-template-79c4bf84fc-54rng                             1/1     Running   0          2d6h
pod/gge-tournament-template-854f5c4475-txvmb                       1/1     Running   0          2d6h
pod/gge-controller-game-tic-tac-toe-576cd5d665-b4fzc               1/1     Running   0          2d3h
pod/gge-auth-5b4b8bb885-lp7j7                                      1/1     Running   0          2d2h

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/gge-auth                  ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP    4d1h
service/gge-gateway               ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP    4d1h
service/gge-game                  ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    4d1h
service/gge-tournament            ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP    2d12h
service/gge-tournament-template   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d12h
service/gge-game-template         ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d11h

NAME                                                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/gge-controller-tournament-single-elimination   1/1     1            1           3d5h
deployment.apps/gge-game                                       1/1     1            1           4d1h
deployment.apps/gge-tournament                                 1/1     1            1           2d12h
deployment.apps/gge-gateway                                    1/1     1            1           4d1h
deployment.apps/gge-game-template                              1/1     1            1           2d11h
deployment.apps/gge-tournament-template                        1/1     1            1           2d12h
deployment.apps/gge-controller-game-tic-tac-toe                1/1     1            1           3d4h
deployment.apps/gge-auth                                       1/1     1            1           4d1h

NAME                                                                     DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/gge-controller-tournament-single-elimination-db6b6f474   1         1         1       3d5h
replicaset.apps/gge-game-77767987b5                                      1         1         1       4d1h
replicaset.apps/gge-tournament-6557567558                                1         1         1       2d12h
replicaset.apps/gge-gateway-c49fb8549                                    1         1         1       4d1h
replicaset.apps/gge-game-template-79c4bf84fc                             1         1         1       2d11h
replicaset.apps/gge-tournament-template-854f5c4475                       1         1         1       2d12h
replicaset.apps/gge-controller-game-tic-tac-toe-576cd5d665               1         1         1       3d4h
replicaset.apps/gge-auth-5b4b8bb885                                      1         1         1       4d1h

NAME                                         ENABLED   SHORT                LONG                 PATH
tournament.gge.aarr.xyz/single-elimination   true      single-elimination   Single Elimination   /tournament/single-elmination
tournament.gge.aarr.xyz/double-elimination   true      double-elimination   Double Elimination   /tournament/double-elmination
tournament.gge.aarr.xyz/round-robin          true      round-robin          Round-Robin          /tournament/round-robin

NAME                             ENABLED   SHORT          LONG           PATH
game.gge.aarr.xyz/connect-four   true      connect-four   Connect Four   /game/connect-four
game.gge.aarr.xyz/2048           true      2048           2048           /game/2048
game.gge.aarr.xyz/reversi        true      reversi        Reversi        /game/reversi
game.gge.aarr.xyz/tic-tac-toe    true      tic-tac-toe    Tic-Tac-Toe    /game/tic-tac-toe
game.gge.aarr.xyz/tripletown     true      tripletown     Triple Town    /game/tripletown