A wireguard container built for centos-8-stream which takes advantage of the scripts from the linuxserver docker-wireguard project.
Source: https://github.com/lknight-gh/docker-wireguard-centos-8-stream
LinuxServer docker-wireguard project: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard
To use simply replace the docker-wireguard image with: quay.io/lknight/docker-wireguard-centos-8-stream:latest
Note: Initial startup may take quite awhile, 4 minutes +, if the wireguard module is being recompiled. Be sure to use a volume for the modules folder to avoid having to recompile.
What is the modules folder volume mapping to?
Maps to /lib/modules .
Haven’t tested the image in awhile. I’ll redeploy when I have a chance and ensure things are still working.
The new github repo is @ https://github.com/lknite/lknite-docker-wireguard-centos-8-stream .
The helm chart isn’t setup yet under the new repo.
The previous image is still available at quay though, @ https://quay.io/repository/lknight/docker-wireguard-centos-8-stream?tab=tags
The image required an update as the linux server project had made some changes.
You should be good to go with version 0.0.4 now.