(gitops) argocd phoenix configuration: clusterapi with vcluster provider

Standardized git repo layouts helps to keep deployments consistent and clean:

- /appofapps/clusters/application.yaml
- /apps
  - /argocd-seed/update.sh
  - /argocd/applicationset.yaml
  - /clusterapi/applicationset.yaml
  - /daytwo/applicationset.yaml
- /projects
  - /addons.yaml
  - /developer.yaml
  - /devsecops.yaml

- /apps
  - /adcs-issuer-system/applicationset.yaml
  - /adcs-issuer-system/base/Chart.yaml
  - /cert-manager/applicationset.yaml
  - /external-dns/applicationset.yaml
  - /external-dns-root/applicationset.yaml
  - /fluent-bit/applicationset.yaml
  - /kasten/applicationset.yaml
  - /nginx-ingress/applicationset.yaml
  - /metrics-server/applicationset.yaml
  - /pinniped-concierge/applicationset.yaml
  - /prometheus/applicationset.yaml

- /clusters
  - /vc-non.yaml
  - /vc-prod.yaml

- /appofapps
  - /namespaces/application.yaml
- /apps
  - /example/applicationset.yaml
  - /example/base/Chart.yaml
- /namespaces
  - /example/namespace.yaml
  - /example/resourcequota.yaml
  - /example/servicemesh.yaml

- /appofapps
  - /namespaces/application.yaml
- /apps
  - /example/applicationset.yaml
  - /example/base/Chart.yaml
- /namespaces
  - /example/namespace.yaml
  - /example/resourcequota.yaml
  - /example/servicemesh.yaml

daytwo automates several steps needed when first deploying clusters:

  • register cluster with argocd, also adds annotation allowing applications to target by cluster name
  • copy labels from cluster yaml to argocd secret, useful for deploying addons
  • generates pinniped kubeconfig, allows for initial access without needing admin kubeconfig
  • registers as a kasten secondary cluster, (if kasten is being used)

Scripts / pipelines are needed to:

  • provision / decommission a cluster
    • adjust cluster resources
  • add / remove a namespace
    • adjust namespace resource quota
    • grant developers access to namespaces
Posted in Development, Infrastructure, Kubernetes.

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