Android tether how to:
- Setup wireguard on your phone to your network, this allows you to access your hosted webapps, and your laptop will also get to have access
- On phone install sshd such as simplesshd, by default it uses port 2222
- On laptop install adb, plug phone into usb, then run “adb forward tcp:2222 tcp:2222”, this will forward localhost:2222 on your laptop to the sshd running on the attached phone
- On laptop connect to ssh server using putty @ localhost on port 2222, also setup a port forwarding tunnel such as ‘Source port = 9999’, select ‘Dynamic’, nothing for destination
- This sets up a socks proxy, now on the laptop run chrome pointing it at the socks proxy c:\…\chrome.exe –proxy-server=”socks5://localhost:9999″ (easiest to just edit the shortcut). ** before launching chrome in this way you have to close all chrome instances, otherwise it will appear not to work
There you go, now on your laptop you’ll be able to reach your home webapps as it will proxy through the phone which is running the vpn. Note: you’ll also have to enable developer access in order to use adb.
This is perhaps not as secure as just using your phone’s built-in tether options, mine seems to put tethered connections behind a NAT which is a good idea, but in my case I wanted my laptop to use the vpn the phone was using. Good luck!
Additional, openvpn:
Instead of configuring chrome to use the socks5 proxy, you can setup openvpn to use the socks5 proxy, then all of your networking will work, not just chrome. Just add the following to your openvpn client config (you’ll also need to setup an openvpn server of course, the above setup does not require it to be open to the internet, we access it via the ssh tunnel):
proto tcp
socks-proxy localhost 9999
connect-retry-max 1
remote <openvpn_ip> <openvpn_port> tcp
Actually, maybe the socks5 proxy isn’t needed at all if using openvpn, it just needs its port forwarded, no?